Channel: mitchmen by Mitchell
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Siproites Transformation Art

 Just over two years ago I profiled the transformation art of Yomero which strikingly depicting white and latino men mysteriously transforming into blacks with all the stereotypical body changes you might expect from such a process. Siproites work also deals with transformations - not racial but gender, from men into women. This isn't a subject I'd normally think of covering here and you'll be relieved to know that I won't be showing large numbers of ladies in this article, but I confess I find the psychology intriguing and there will be some. But there's another reason for featuring this artist......

El Meyor Prevenir (The Best Precaution)
I find Siproites depiction of men very appealing and worthy of inclusion in this blog in it's own right. The sample above is a nice example from a comic strip promoting the use of condoms. In the story line the hunky stud on the left is shown getting ready for a night out. His reflection in the mirror keeps reminding him to take condoms with him but is ignored. Exasperated, he steps from the mirror and thrusts them into the foolish lad's hand. This is a different sort of transformation of course, not unlike the statue coming to life in Platter's art, Etienne also did it.

This conventional sketch of a man running shows Siproites skill with human anatomy. This is the first frame of a series in which he gradually transforms, first into a normal-looking woman and then into an extreme stereotype of womanhood with hourglass figure, flowing locks, luscious lips and (naturally) big boobs. It's a heterosexual man's idea of the ultimate woman and so exaggerated that for me it actually passes beyond being objectionable.

Woo Woo
Thankfully Siproites is equally adept at applying these exaggerations to the male figure and I love the combination of square-jawed stubble and rosy roundness in his face. This example hints at sexual ambiguity with the man's colourful costume.  He's meant to be a wrestler and in the preceding pictures is shown holding a typical over-sized Championship Belt. We see it here transforming into a bra which, by the end will be restraining melon-like breasts. During the process his tights split apart into panties and leggings and shrink to a very skimpy size. Bizarrely, the boots also transform into high heeled, dominatrix form.

Miss-ter Universe 1
Similar things happen here but as you see, the muscle man shrinks first (everywhere!) before the female parts of his new body begin to make themselves seen. 
This story takes place during a body-building competition. The conversion process is triggered by a fairy(!) who seeing the wonderful muscles on display, drops her wand which melts and begins to alter the hero from the feet up. Other bodybuilders in the vicinity are similarly affected but they are all seemingly unaware of the change.......

Miss-ter Universe 2
Until the judges and audience begin to show their surprise, pleasure - and arousal at the unexpected display of voluptuous creatures posing before them. Hopefully I've prepared you for this picture! Personally I find this depiction of women so unreal that it doesn't trigger a negative reaction. In its extreme exaggeration you get a sense of the scale of the shock the men inside are experiencing, having become, not just women but highly stylised female sex objects. The public exposure here before an all male audience, heaps humiliation on their misfortune. Being part of a group, all equally affected, adds a curious twist of availability and vulnerability.

Pride Goeth....... (1)
 The title and captions on this piece flesh out the feeling that the transformations are seen as punishments by the artist which might suggest it's a woman but no, his name is Victor. 

Pride Goeth....... (2)
 His views of men's personalities, wedded to their 'junk', are as uncomplicated as his over-developed women. He does however put a good deal more thought into causations than this particular example, a mysteriously vague magical effect. Equally uncomplicated.....I love nice pecs in tight vests!

Pride Goeth....... (3)
Bewilderment and fear as a man senses his very essence changing. 
There's an S&M theme here but attaching it to gender and, dare I say, sexual orientation is very thought provoking.
Men's Room 1
 In Men's Room the subject's masculinity is enhanced by his muscles straining at his clothes and his moustache. This time we have a mysterious ray effect embedded in the urinal itself, at the very heart of a man's world! It brings about immediate penis shrinkage preparatory to transformation taking place. Siproites exploration of well-known male fears embellishes these pieces with a wry humour that's most enjoyable.

Men's Room 2
The transformation takes place in an empty toilet but as soon as it's finished other men arrive, including this dishy number. Finding a half naked woman in their space they naturally assume that service is called for (well I said it's uncomplicated). In erotic terms however this is the logical outcome of the body-builder scene as well, it's what sex objects are for. The female version here doesn't tie in very closely with the appearance of the original hunk which slightly undermines this highly significant moment where he experiences sex at the hands of another man. It's more obvious if you view the complete series however. Unexpectedly erotic

More next time

Siproites Transformation Art - 2

Siproites - One Bite of the Apple 02
This is an example where Siproites employs a well known magical device to initiate the transformation which gives the idea rather more substance, but the Disney-esque witch prevents it getting too serious. The ages of Siproites subjects varies but this youthful and naive muscle-hunk is an interesting one and it makes for interesting comparisons with the conventional version of the storyline.

Siproites - One Bite of the Apple 13
 He is not destined for years of sleep, however, to be awakened eventually by Prince Charming's kiss (although that storyline would not be without interest). Rather, there is a rapid transformation into a luscious sex siren. Notice how his boots have transformed into kinky knee length numbers and his jeans have shrunk into skimpy, ripped shorts. This particular victim seems relatively at ease in his new skin. Provocatively dressed, he seems to be throwing himself at another hunk who is happy to respond, not suspecting the true nature of his new friend. It's a comparatively romantic outcome compared with the explicitly sexual examples I used in part 1. You can also see this as a tale of 'coming out' in terms of both sexual orientation and gender identity. The unleashing of a voracious appetite for sexual intimacy is a not uncommon consequence. I imagine that bi-leaning men would find this highly erotic but I'd prefer to see a little more residual connection to the original male identity.

Siproites - Candiru 04
In this set of frames from 'Candiru', the artist explores a rather more scientific basis for the transformation phenomenon. He uses a parasitical fish that invades it's unsuspecting host and naturally it's by using a sexual passageway. This entry cleverly foreshadows the fate that awaits this particular part of this man's body - which is to be used for penetration post-transformation. Those of you who are tuned into sexual iconography will have already noted the proximity of well-endowed ethnic Africans and you can probably work out the rest.

'Candiru' is possibly Siproites master work amongst his publicly available pieces, having a tight, classic storyline. His unusual viewpoint breathes new life into sexual (and racial) stereotyping that is thought-provoking.
Siproites - Substitute Witch 9
 The Pizza delivery boy is standard fantasy fare, a younger and potentially more naive version of the tradesmen who routinely come into our homes to do their jobs (into our lairs you might say) and thus appear to present an opportunity for seduction and more. They rarely come in cute packages like this unfortunately (or perhaps those that do rapidly discover the pitfalls!). In these frames and the ones below Siproites deftly captures the young man's innocence and post-adolescent obsession with his own, still-growing body.
Siproites - Substitute Witch 11
He doesn't seem aware of the feminine attractions of the home owner, but as it happens, this young man has stumbled into a witch's lair. One who is seeking a substitute to stand in for her while she takes a holiday.
Siproites - Substitute Witch 12
 The image of the hunky man unconsciously displaying his attractions unaware that an unwished-for, shocking fate is being planned for him is the stuff of teen-horror films and classic 'danger' story-telling. You can see there's an appropriate element of apprehension in his demeanour and his right hand is most interestingly positioned.
It's highly erotic.

Siproites - Substitute Witch 16
This transformation begins with shrinking hands and fingernails which not only get longer but acquire a laquered finish. This view of what makes a woman could only belong to a man I think. Siproites rises rather well to the challenge of imagining and depicting what it would be like to feel your sex organs shinking back inside your body.

Siproites - Chrysalis 03
'Chrysalis' was the first work by Siproites which I stumbled across and it's one of his best, particularly interesting for those of us who enjoy fetish flavours in our fare. This butch little elf is a marvellous, sexy creation. He's shown here lusting after some fairies, thereby establishing his hetero credentials. The threat posed by a giant scorpion is another of those adventure story, danger scenarios full of erotic overtones. However in heroic fantasies (their customary domain) such creatures usually stop short of explicit, erotic attack, so this tights-ripping ploy must be as worrying to the elfin hero as it is unexpected. For us, this method of disrobement has the advantage that we can view the whole process, unobstructed.

Siproites - Chrysalis 04
 These chase images with the bare-assed elf fleeing from a nasty sting are very homo-erotic but his refuge, in a flower that closes upon him, comes from the classic iconography of female parts.
Siproites - Chrysalis 05
 These pictures, of the fugitive breathlessly sheltering and then discovering he's fled into another danger and is in fact trapped, are very pretty and very evocative. I can recall a fantasy island film in my younger days where a semi-naked youth is chased by a giant bee, takes shelter in a honeycomb and is sealed into it by his pursuer. Siproites take on the idea rekindled the excitement I felt then, though I'm not sure I have any idea why it works on me like that. I suppose in fetish terms it combines caging with a sort of mummification. In the end the captive elf becomes a (female) fairy and is then released to fly away, watched by another cute, mini-rugby-player on the ground below, who is destined to take the same path.

I confess I find Siproites work very sexy, despite the prominence of the female form in it. The psychology of it, though familiar, seems to be at the same time deeply mysterious (possibly for the same reason). I can only recommend you to explore it further.

There's a small gallery at Deviant Art which will lead you to other artists work in this genre, also a more comprehensive collection at e-Hentai
You can explore other posts covering encounters with plants and animals using the labels below.

A-Z of fetish Artists - The letter Y

Yahn - Whipmaster

The letter Y offers slim pickings for fetish fans, but this image by Yahn is a classic. There's a lot of style in this picture, from the pointillist technique to the dramatic, grilled window in the background. It's heavily laden with S&M detail too, informative tattoos, glinting body accessories and the paraphenalia of punishment. There's much that reminds you of the brooding work of Rex were it not for the face of the Master here, which seems to veer towards caricature. That somehow takes the edge off the drama and the prisoner, balancing precariously seems confused too.

I've known this image and the name Yahn for years and was surprised to find this was the only piece I had by him, I'd welcome any information my readers may have about him.

Drubskin Republished

Vintage Season 10 - In a bit of a mesh


The Champion Studios "Flannel G-string" was not their only clothing oddity. They also seem to have invented the mesh G-string. That is to say they adapted an underwear trend of the time - the string vest - dutifully modelled below by Tuck Powell.

 Tuck Powell (Champion) 
In the days when boys always had to wear vests/singlets as underwear, pulling it down and knotting it between the legs like this was a secret guilty pleasure. I've no idea when the string variant was invented, but in it's 1950's heyday it was promoted as both healthy 'breathing' underwear and an indispensible warm winter layer. I'm not sure it ever acquired the fashion/fetish status suggested in this picture, but it does pop up occasionally clothing film stars of the era and on pulp fiction covers. In those days though, showing your undershirt was considered slovenly and not 'nice' (in the UK at any rate). Which makes it intriguing that Tuck is wearing it here with a Police belt and holster (I wonder if Tuck actually was a cop?). Gay men in the 60's witnessed a late flowering of old string vests approaching retirement and therefore used as building site, labourers garb.  

 Tuck Powell (Champion)

I'm having a bit of an infatuation with Tuck Powell at the moment and his gleaming pecs in this picture give me all the excuse I need! The curve of the string round his buttock is also quite delicious. Even his puppy charms, however, don't make this mesh G-string look attractive (well I can't very well call it a 'String G-String' can I?) You sense it must feel very uncomfortable too, the full underwear  equivalent always had a cotton panel in this area for comfort as well as modesty. Maybe that's the explanation of his exasperated look. (By the way Tuck, better not put that flannel down or someone will probably take it away and make it into a G-string).

 Rod Bauer (Champion)

The mesh string is modelled more successfully by Rod Bauer in another sporty Champion picture, he's using the same lacrosse stick as Rock Granger in part 8. Combining a singlet vest with any slip in this way is sexy, the partial cover-up and the contasting pattern/texture gives a sense of seeing something that was meant to remain out of sight. I'll concede that the titilating holes do add something in this case.

Notice that Rod's vest is pretty much the same colour as the flannel G-strings in the last post but it looks like it's made of ordinay cotton fabric (phew!). I think it shows his upper body off a treat, but then yellow is my favourite colour!

Gary Seegar 

This model's pictures are sometimes attributed to Mel Roberts, sometimes to Champion, but this looks like the same G-string as those worn above. Gary was one of their more grown-up looking models but the mesh garment doesn't really enhance his manhood in this picture. You can see it's neither one thing nor the other, neither covered nor exposed, like a primitive form of pixilation and if Gary looks confused you can't blame him! On the other hand, if you enjoy the mitchmen-esque concept of making models feel uncomfortable this is a great picture.

Rock Granger

Rock doesn't look any happier does he? Not ideal sleepwear I would imagine. It looks as if he's been disturbed by an unexpected visitor. There's a gay fantasy for you. Placing a hirsute, dare I say, manly model like him in this position of (suggested) vulnerabity gives the scenario a special flavour. The garment used here works better, it looks more skimpy with Rock's tackle filling it out well and coupled with the see-through look the look is slightly sleazy and alluring and - to an uninvited guest - exciting and irresistable.

Pictures of men in their beds have an intimate eroticism all their own but are quite unusual. These days I suspect it seems a bit too romantic, too much like 'Playgirl', but in the days of censorship any image like this must have positively reeked of sex and was therefore very risky.

Lonely Sailor by Champion

Unsurprisingly this image is much reproduced but I can't identify who it is (informants welcome!). The Navy cap adds an almost undefinable frisson of adventure. It has been mangled into a non-regulation shape which tells us the wearer has a mind of his own and serves on his own terms. His untrimmed body hair tells the same story. But the eyes are those of a puppy in need of love and protection. His mesh G-string (possibly the cause of his anguish!) is relatively inoffensive and undisturbing, being not especially prominent but the same can not be said of it's contents which can only be described as striking.

Darryl Powers (Champion)
 We saw Darryl topping the last post and here he's showing his 'action man' credentials in scuba gear with spear gun. Although I believe this to be a Champion picture his mesh G-string has a different design to the others we have seen, with a more substantial top hem, possibly to cope with the demands of swimming in water (such a drag!). Normally water swirling round thighs is very erotic but this shot just misses the mark for me. What about his cock? I hear you say. What indeed? Does it not bear a resemblance to our lonely sailor's one above? Is this Champion up to their tricks again implanting substitutes?

Skip Hammer (Champion)
I have to say that looking at this picture with a hyper-critical eye that cock don't particularly look as if it's made of flesh. Just as interesting to many of us is the daring, fluffy, two-tone toilet seat meticulously co-ordinated with the soap dish. Wow!

Ward Randall(?) by Champion

Unfortunately, once the subterfuge is unearthed, poses such as this lose a lot of their appeal. It's like finding out the model isn't gay. However, this picture does usefully illustrate the dangling pocket design we saw in the flannel strings previously.

There's a 2005 book available called 'Champion' (Goliath Press) with lots more images like this.

More next time
Read this series from Part 1

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yael

Yael - Ishida being Medically Examined
 Arguably I'm breaking my no-CGI rule with this artist, but Y is short of talent and these images are well-worthy of inclusion with the artist's innate abilities shining through the computer's glossy veneer. This image captures brilliantly the squirming of the captive as he braces himself against the various external assaults on his body and his own internal orgasm (dramatically manifesting itself in the foreground). There are some great details, like the menacing curve of the dildo, the strap squeezing his body in tight, the creases and depression in the pillow as his head pushes back into it and not least the rolling back of his penis hole as the probe enters into it. For that I can forgive the lurking alien. I'm afraid the character names in these images mean nothing to me but I imagine they bring extra dimensions in, for those better versed than I in such matters.

Yael - Caught in the Sky
 This picture has similar characteristics but the artist's skill in depicting the tension of the captive's body infuses it with energy, bringing to life the jaded 'legs open' tentacle cliche. He's made strenuous efforts to depict aggressive 'invasion' here, not just with the radiating spray of ejected juices but also the more subtle bending of the cock under pressure - a fiendish torture in it's own right and one I can't recall having seen in a picture before.

Yael - Naruto's Worst Nightmare
This is a great idea but a scene that's hard to exploit fully due to the most promising area being out of sight. In our house putting the roll of paper that way round would attract even worse retribution! Despite the comic jokiness, the pants round the ankles position is a great suggester of vulnerability, simultaneously uncovering and hobbling the wearer. And who hasn't imagined creatures lurking just round the bend? In addition, for the Japanese, the octopus/squid is a classic symbol of erotic desire, memorably conjured up in Hokusai's image "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" (below). I'm not sure I can see how that fits into this scenario though!

for some modern gay takes on this idea. 
For encounters with other creatures click on the labels below
I am taking the name of this artist from Olaf who posts at GMBA google group, what he puts on his drawings is quite different, as you can see. If anyone can clarify I'd be glad to hear from them.

 For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yamato

Also known as Yamato Saimon but he's listed under Y because he signs his pictures as Yamato

Yamato - Copulation
 We're in the realm of bondage here but not Yamato shows it in public places (a building site in this case) not hidden away in dungeons. The participants are muscular but with fleshy, chunky builds. Yamato's Japanese background comes through strongly in the facial features and clothing. In this picture there's also some striking similarities with the style of Hasegawa, in the strong diagonal line of the composition for example and the sensual shading technique (which ultimately descends from Tom of Finland). The foreground face is delicious for lovers of chunkies. The half-hidden character at the back, with his drooping cigarette and slightly angular features could have been transplanted directly from one of Hasegawa's works.

Yamato - He was the Object of Everyone's Anger
 You can tell from the title that Yamato is trying to tell a story in his pictures and it's a tale of the humiliation of a strong man, symbolised by the judo outfit which ties him into strong Japanese traditions of warrior manliness. The colouring of the dildo on the other hand suggests links to the theatrical imagery, which we also find in Hasegawa's work - masks, batons etc. I imagine that also brings specific meanings and flavours into this situation which a Japanese person would recognise but I'm afraid I'm not knowledgeable enough to pronounce on it here (information welcome from readers).

Yamato - Laying Eggs
 Yamato is flirting with niche fetishes here but keeping it clean I'm glad to say and it's a nicely balanced composition. Body tattoos are another typical feature of Japanese homoerotic imagery and I believe that it signifies a sort of rough masculinity (but not necessarily connected to social class). So in this picture there's a sense of self-abasement in front of un-tattooed, ordinary guys.

Yamato - The Light Through The Darkness

The influence of Tom of Finland is quite explicit in this work, not only are the trees and park bench a sterotypical Tom cruising location, Yamato has drawn them exactly as Tom would have done and indeed there's a very similar scene in Kake 5 (Nasty Nature Trail) reviewed here. In Tom's version a cop is seen approaching the helpless captive, whereas here we just see a light through the trees, someone drawn to the beacon provided by the burning candles. The symbolism of this scenario, like fireflies finding each other in order to mate, is rather more sophisticated, deep even, than Tom's work and very Japanese. Also while Tom did depict encounters between strangers with the possibility of unpredictable outcomes, they usually turned out to be very predictable, i.e. wham, bang, thank you mam. He rarely showed anything as explicit as this situation, where the S&M bondage adds rather intense possibilities to the forthcoming encounter with a person whose proclivities and limits are completely unknown. We can only speculate whether he will leave the victim to his fate with the burning candles or substitute something more personal for them or even assume more extreme trials are in order for the helpless man he finds.

You might like to look back at the second picture at this point and see a similar scenario which you might have missed first time round.

I haven't found a website for Yamato's work but there must be more around for an artist of this calibre. Unfortunately Yamato is a common name in Japan.

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

Yana Goya

YanaGoya - Avengers - Tony x Steve
 A stylish artist, the depiction of the bearded man's face is extremely effective. YG captures a simple bondage scene which probably defines the genre when all the S&M trappings are stripped away. "You like it really, don't you?" as they say in the trade. The blush effect linking the captive's embarrassment to his erection is a neat device but the colouring jars a bit with the sophisticated tones that dominate elsewhere in the picture. 

YanaGoya - SPN - Dean x Castiel - Chains
 A variation on the same theme using chains (well loosely!) The link to the fetish genre is a little tenuous here, but I like the hand delving within and the very nice rendering of the two lads hair. Regular readers won't be surprised to know that I haven't got a clue what the titles refer to but 'd welcome advice from my more knowledgable readers via 'comments' below

YanaGoya - GridGames 09
There's definitely fetish content in this image, the like of which I don't think I've ever featured here before. You can take your pick of what the substance being used to coat the captive's nether regions might be - add yukk to your own taste - but the erotic sensation the artist is trying to convey is probably known to all of you, cold damp sand from the beach being a fairly obvious example. 

I'm not entirely enamoured of YanaGoya's slightly spikey style but there's a sense of youthful experimentation about these images which is quite charming.

If you search on-line you will find plenty of Yana Goya's work including some nice vanilla encounters, however I haven't been able to find a gallery site to link to (info welcome)

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top and top right)

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yoshikazu Yasuhiko


This artist is known to me only for one work and it's a work relating to a niche interest that I would normally shy away from mentioning in this blog, namely religion and specifically the subject of 'The Crucifixion'. Imagery of this event forms the focus of that religion (despite the injunction of it's own prophets not to worship graven images) but it's quite commonly and casually referred to in the wider world as 'homo-erotic'. This is said with subversive intent of course, but the implication that images of torture and painful execution are a staple ingredient of gay erotica and of universal appeal is surprising to say the least! However.......
Regardless of this I know Crucifixion imagery is of interest to readers with S&M leanings. Yoshikazu's work tells the religious story in a frank, direct way that is quite interesting but his exploration of the mechanics of the process, starting with the nailing (above) certainly delves into the fundamentals of what makes this a sado-masochistic subject. Perhaps unsurprising given his Japanese ancestry.

Thus, straight away in this image we see the victim in the hands of soldiers intent on subjecting him to an extreme (life-ending) process. He is stripped of his clothes, all the trappings of life, all that shields him and separates him from other men. He is violated, being attached to the cross by a gang of men in a way that is crude, painful and virtually irreversible, removing all possibity of escape.  Finally he he is raised up for everyone to see and view his demise. Danger, helplessness, vulnerabilty, fear, violation, pain, humiliation. All these ingredients are laid out in these few frames and they are the essence of any S&M scene. Why such things should be erotic to those of us in this brotherhood is something of a mystery*, but the sketchy thumbnail in the bottom left corner is enough to confirm it's potency in this respect.

*My personal view, for what it's worth, is that if such things as those listed above, such bad feelings, are a prominent part of our lives, then sexualising them, associating them with pleasure, in effect defuses them and ultimately through the mechanism of orgasm, it discharges them, temporarily at least.

 In these frames the artist depicts the application of this terrible process to his narrator, a young man who has killed a roman soldier. In religious terms his guilt is meant to legitimise his treatment and to highlight the injustice to his 'innocent' companion on the adjacent cross. Likewise the use of ropes to secure him contrasts with the brutality of nails used elsewhere. 

However, in erotic terms, Yoshikazuo's choice of a particularly boyish-looking man for this role sparks off alarm bells. Fortunately his physique suggests a relatively maturer age than his face does. If the artist intended to provide a character in this story with whom younger readers could identify, then making him a 'sinner' of a pretty extreme kind follows a path of guilt logic that is peculiarly Catholic, or Japanese, or maybe both. Note the Japanese influence in the loin cloth design too.

As is customary, Yoshikazu's detailed exploration of the crucufixion process skirts round the engineering challenges of erecting a giant cross with victim attached into a stable position using only primitive technology. I don't imagine Roman soldiers signed up for getting a hernia by doing this job! One of the mysteries of construction history to set alongside Stonehenge and the Pyramids (and the provision of gallows in Western Townships!).

 Fortunately, the other two participants in this grisly tale are indisputably adult men. The concept of simultaneously torturing 3 men from different backgrounds is a device that amplifies the helplessness factor in S&M scenes, for those of masochistic tendencies. It invites them to visualise fellow-sufferers in a strange buddying arrangement that actually goes to the essence of our humanity as social animals.

 For sadistic minds it conveys a sense of greater power and a mechanism (illustrated here) for charting the degradation and breaking of the victims. This thieves mode of execution is probably the most extreme of the 3 men and that is vividly conveyed to the viewer, as is his masculinity despite his desperate plight. The bickering that erupts at this point is not without justification to objective observers.
The message of the upper picture suffers from the familiarity of the scene. The rather clumsy dialogue suggesting humiliation is subtly undermined by a composition that seeks to sanctify. In contrast, the more intimate lower image is a much more telling (and interesting) account of a man facing death. The artist draws out more details of the victim's suffering and bravery. (In contrast his companion seems cold and indifferent). If I were to describe this as a breath control scene you might see it in a completely different light.
The hot daytime orange of the scenes above is replaced by dramatic blues as menacing storm clouds make a typically mystical intervention. This image is pure propaganda but you have to admire the technique as the young narrator looks up to his (now) regal companion, offering himself up to the coming storm. The lads attitude is a stark contrast to the resentment of No 3, but I know who I prefer!


It's not part of the usual story but Yoshikazu even depicts the pathetic expiry of the young narrator and he does it in terms that can only be described as voluptous. In seeking to express the desperate efforts of the crucified man to draw his final breaths he shows us muscles that are deeply folded by his exertions, all weel and good. But these muscles are so well rounded they are positively alluring and give no sense of the physical deterioration and dehydration which will have brought him to this point. A heroic death, but not a realistic one.

You can easily find out about Yoshikazu's manga work on-line but I don't think there's much else of a gay flavour to find, tell me if I'm wrong!

There are already many other examples of crucifixion posted in this blog, which you can view by clicking the label at the foot of this post. Most of these depict it as an abstract , intimidating punishment or trial of strength and do not feature the iconography that specifically connects it to the Christian Religion.

A-Z of Fetish Artists - yy6242


You don't get much sense of what yy6242 is all about from his moniker and this bondage image is  equally shrouded in self restraint. Almost literally, because the shady looking character working his captive from behind here is a mere supporting player, only fuzzily defined. It's all about the captive, seemingly imagining this ghastly fate and there's no sense of interaction with the intruder (which I take him to be). The flying perspiration suggests embarrassment to my eyes (but this code can work differently in other cultures). Anyway he's sharing that emotion with us. Strange things happen when Dad is Home Alone.

This beautiful image of a crying man is no less suggestive of powerful emotions simmering below the surface and it's not the only example of tears in this artists work (click on the link at the foot of this post). The whole face seems to express vulnerability and sensitivity. You might have guessed at the artist's Asian origins from the first picture but not this one. If there's an element of self in this intensely emotional image it's well-disguised. The artist's own choice of title doesn't give much away either.

 We're on less taxing ground here with an animal morph enjoying the fruits of man, but it makes an intriguing companion for the slightly mysterious preceding images. This creature has a purely human body and it is extremely masculine. His animal self is represented only by two ears (which supplement his human ones (!) and the hint of a bushy tail (wagging happily). So there's a sense of half-heartedness about his beastliness, while the physical restraints, prison number and facial expression allow similar ambiguity about his whole commitment to this encounter. I have a title of 'love' on this piece but I don't know if that is the artists own.

Soldier 76
This heroic figure with his cold calculating gaze is the opposite of such expressiveness, but it's very pretty. You can see that the face has had the most attention and things get vaguer as we descend towards the nether regions. The talent of the artist speaks for itself, but it's a shame we can't see below the waist, clothed or otherwise.

Suit Guy
Just to show this artist's work is not all serious. This looks like a study for a game or comic character and it shows an interesting combination of the heroic and the sensitive traits observed above. Once again though, the artist's dead-pan title leaves you wondering what he is trying to say or not say here.

Reinhardt Pool Party
I don't know who Reinhardt is but you can tell by his spiky beard and blind eye that he's a fantasy/game character who's taken time off from defending the Universe for the more mundane role of lifeguard. It's deliberately incongruous of course but he's been given a job here which is not just heroic, but which in the gay universe drips with youthful sexuality (not counting Hasselhof!). So even in this frivolous piece there's a sense of exploration of identity and desire.
 Just a picture of a man, so the artist tells us, but this thoughtful character is oozing with desirable manliness that seems to go beyond his physical appearance. He's not quite naked but the picture cuts off just short of showing us something interesting. It feels like we're observing him furtively while he goes about some manly task, the yellow line suggesting a sporting link, or perhaps he's walking along the road, going home after a jolly night on the town, which might explain the slight fleshiness around his waist.

You can find more work by yy6242 on Deviant Art

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top and top right)

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yoshiyo


Yoshiyo's picture of a bound, young man rounds off the letter 'Y'
It's a nice clean image but I can't find anything about the artist.

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top and top right)

Men Sharing Clothes No 23 - Rugby Shorts

Despite my periodic infatuation with Rugby Hunks I never thought I'd be able to feature them, (real ones!), in this thoroughly disreputable series, which fantasises about men unwittingly donning clothes that have already been thoroughly worn by another man, ideally in a scenario involving lots of (ahem) 'physical effort'. Usually it's male models and porn stars who provide my material, for fairly obvious reasons.

We all know about soccer players swapping shirts with their opposite numbers at the end of a match and I suppose one shouldn't be surprised to discover Rugby players (being the gung-ho males that they are) going further and swapping their shorts. Curiously, in this first gif it looks as if the player on the left is having to be persuaded to participate in this dubious public spectacle.

He doesn't look too happy here either, apparently red in the face in the face with embarrassment as another of his opponents weighs in. These pictures were taken during a real match in Australia where butchness is mandatory for heteros, so his anxiety is not entirely surprising.

In contrast, his opposite number is much more eager to get his crotch into those lovely green shorts and he doesn't exactly look like a pussy!

No 7's reluctance to participate is unwittingly providing spectators with a much more interesting and protracted show. The internet abounds with the bare bottoms of Rugby players exposed by desperate opponents who will clutch at any item of clothing or appendage to stop a breakthrough. For me though, the glimpses of underwear when a player changes his shorts are much more alluring. It's just a pity they are not white though.

There's something distinctly fetishistic about the way Mr Eager adjusts his hem, pulling the fabric of his new green shorts against his inner thigh. I say fabric but sadly these shorts are plastic and give little indication of the previous wearer's occupancy, however such materials generally tend to promote sweatiness.

No 7's face is looking so pained at this point that his partner in crime feels compelled to give him some manly encouragement. It's alright for him, the green shorts actually look pretty good against his thighs, although no gay man would countenance wearing that combination of colours in public.

From this direction the gesture looks slightly more ambiguous, 
perhaps a last calculated move to put his opponent off his stroke?

My next post will give some background on the match and two players concerned

Postscript to Men Sharing Clothes No 23

The scene of rugby players swapping shorts in my last post comes from a match played a surprisingly long time ago in 2001 in fact, an NRL match between the Canberra Raiders and the Newcastle Knights. (I only discovered the images a year or so ago and was amazed to learn the true date of the incident while researching this article). 

Andrew 'Joey' Johns #7 of the Knights and Brett Finch also #7 of the Raiders swapped shorts at the end of the match which the Knights narrowly won 22-20. 

You can almost guess the player identities just from their names, 
the chap in the pictures below is Brett Finch.


You can see in these pictures that he had a serious demeanour quite a lot of the time 
even when he was relaxing in the beefcake picture below.

In contrast to this 'Joey' Johns was obviously a bit of a joker
with a strapping build which must have been quite intimidating on the field.

If you research his career you will find colourful episodes including the picture below
which was not what it seemed apparently

The pictures below may not have come from the same match
but they are the same teams and you can see Brett is getting a bit of stick.

It must have been extremely disappointing for Brett in the 'shorts swap' match
to be on the losing end by such a narrow margin.

and it must have been extremely tempting to Joey 
to give his opposite number a good ribbing in traditionally, robust Australian style.
Hence the assertive swap proposal and reluctant donor.

All I can say is "nice work chaps!"

For other 'sharing' episodes click on the label below

Drubskin Republished

Drubskin - Watersport
As part of my on-going updating of early entries in the A-Z of Fetish Artists, I have now substantially revised my article on Drubskin, adding more pictures and reappraising his fetish credentials, widening the substance of the review.

First Catch Your Rogue - 7


Kain had a cute face and a charming personality.
He was kind to older folk and they loved him.
So it was only logical that he got himself a job
helping those who couldn't do housework any more.
One day he was making Mr Brownlow's bed
and found his life savings hidden under the mattress.
There was quite a lot of money in an old shoe box
The old boy wouldn't miss a few quid, he thought.
 Unfortunately, Mr Brownlow counted his money every night
So he found Kain out right away, but he didn't mind.
They came to an arrangement to keep the young man in funds
 - and out of the hands of the law

For other 'rogues' click on the label below

The Art of Paul Richmond (PaulyPants)

The erotic art I feature in this blog is usually inclined to be on the serious side and reflect fetish interests, but like anyone else I enjoy lighter work too and judging by the interest in my article on Eddie Chin a while ago, so do my readers. The work of Kimura is innocently appealing to me but the work of fetishists like Jonathan and Palanca is also steeped in good humour. So it's easy to make room here for Paul Richmond.

Beach Bum
Richmond's 'PaulyPants' creations are entertaining and not entirely without interest to fetish minds.
 Most of us have wanted to do something like this at some time to frivolously signal an interest in a man who looks difficult to approach. However, if you mentally magic away his pulled down pants, the pose that is left suggests a much more earthy sexual interaction in prospect. This image is on a par with the 'hidden eroticism' of days gone by (click on label below for more).

The dog walker in the background, stumbling on this scene, adds the spice of public exposure, but his dog also brings to mind the butt-sniffing proclivities of that species and suggests the possibility of a more complex, dependent and possibly dark relationship developing (or already developed!) between the two men in the foreground. It would be a relationship not entirely consistent with the 'Freedom flag' design of the rainbow pants - although I suppose there are those that may say that Freedom to sniff a complete strangers ass on a beach is what it's all about.

Click to expand
 The artist acknowledges his inspiration from 1950's glamour art in this picture, 'Stop, Shop and Drop'. His caption is a lot wittier, but it's interesting to see that, unlike the original, his modern 'liberated male' version does not entail the entire loss of panties. There's not even a glimpse of cheek. I acknowledge that there will be those that will find this level of suggestiveness more sexy than the 'full monty' but the comparison highlights just how sexy it was possible to be in pre-liberation days - providing you were heterosexual of course. The triangle formed by the girl's rigid legs and panties is subtly suggestive in itself, and the wind blowing the skirt between her legs does more than just expose her thighs and highlight her ass. These elements are absent from Richmond's version but you do get a more impressive bunch of celery stalks!

Size Matters
 This example shows the artist is not averse to offering saucy details and the positioning and clenching of the tailor's hand needs no explanation either. I say tailor, but his poor fitting trousers and muscular arms might be clues to an impostor taking the opportunity to get up close and personal. Which might explain why the customer (unusually) is having to stand on a chair, bringing his crotch up to a convenient level for checking sizes. You get the feeling he's a bit naive and the pristine trainers (which are a nice detail) somehow contribute to this.

Naughty or Nice
PaulyPants is not the first artist to pick up on Santa's question 'have you been a good boy this year?' but he's neatly linked it to another less innocent expression with the title of this piece. Presumably the opened gift box originally contained the smiley pants now providing a target area for Santa's verdict. The recipient of the spanking does not look overly youthful but these pants are not the stuff that adults usually wear. His 'gift' almost seems to be part of a well defined punishment ritual signalling temporary demotion to boyhood, the spanking equivalent of the Black Spot in Treasure Island.

 In the light of the revelations of recent years you might see uncomfortable suggestions of innocence exploited in this image which the artist did for a book cover. Bathing another man is a deeply personal service and deeply tempting too if he's built like this. The cowboy boots in the foreground give him added stature (what size are they you wonder?)

Forgive me Father
 I'm drawn to the crucifixion imagery here but there's a more overtly religious theme with the angelic boys seeming providing a more obvious representation of temptation and martyrdom for the tempted. I'm not sure about that but this may be a book cover too, reflecting the story within. However Richmond often uses religious symbols in his work, sometimes mockingly, so it's not obvious what his slant is. You'll see what I mean in the next image.

This comes from another strand of Richmond's work reflecting the current fad for adult colouring books and if you visit his site you will find dozens of contributions of his outline pictures, coloured by his fans. This example caught my eye initially because of the nod to the story of St Sebastian. If you imagine away the man's right leg, a tempting, if excruciating, target presents itself and I'm not sure the original sketch wasn't drawn that way if you look at how the jeans seem to be distorted. Beyond such degenerate thoughts however, the lip motif's on those underpants are sheer genius in their intrinsic eroticism and strategic placement!

This is an example of Paul Richmond's more serious work. His use of colour and texture is bold, highlighting the masculinity of his models with overlays of thick brightly coloured paint that are sometimes both disturbing and intriguing, particularly when applied to the face (which my example does not show). It's not unlike the extremes of stage/performance make-up from which he seems to draw his inspiration. See more at the website (link below)

I found this piece on one of Paul Richmond's sites. I'm not sure if it's by him as the style is quite unlike his other work but it's worth presenting anyway on it's own merits as a picture. There's a fairly artsy overlay of Japanese influences in the colouring, the twisted branches and the cherry blossom-like pink blotches. The result is both sensual and pleasing.
Sleigh Ride
  I'll finish with one of his more memorable 'PaulyPants' creations, Christmas seems to inspire him and this present seems to have dropped from heaven (if you'll forgive yet another religious reference!). He comes gift-wrapped in clingy, reindeer motif underpants, a device that bestows youth and innocence as noted above. The partially ripped jeans seem to suggest he's ready for more adult things and you'll see that the artist has tailored the tear into the erotically suggestive, triangular shape, whose absence I lamented in the 'shop and drop' image above. 

Clearly the title does not mean what it appears to mean at first sight. If you're looking for more of PaulyPants unique brand of hidden eroticism, just imagine the bearded man turning his head to the front. Suddenly the strange positioning of the falling youth makes perfect sense - or have they simply been interrupted by a bump in the road?.

As in many of his pictures, there's a distinct (if not enormous) age difference depicted here and sometimes Richmond seems to be walking a tightrope above dangerous waters by dressing his men in the apparel of immaturity. The result, whether intentional or not, is to give an original twist to the fetish fundamentals of dominance and power.

See lots more at Paul Richmond's website and his Deviant art page

The Fetish Art of Beau

Beau shot to prominence in the 90's on  the strength of his eminently publishable pictures which featured rich colours and beautiful men and avoided sexual explicitness. I passed over him when I compiled the letter B of my A-Z of fetish artists, but reviewing his work now, that may have been mistaken. The understated invocation of fetish ingredients in some of his pictures makes a worthy contribution to our collection and the lush treatment (I can't really say romantic!) is a welcome break from starker contributions to the genre.

click on any image to enlarge

 This is one of the best. This man sprawled on a dishevelled bed and sporting a cropped military-style haircut and cute bubble butt make an extremely attractive image, even without the rope bindings holding him down in this inviting position and the open scissors discarded between his legs with one blade pointing ominously in the general direction of interest. It looks as if his underpants have just been cut open to reveal this sight, though some might prefer to imagine that he's just had an impromptu unsought haircut. Squaddiefication you might call it (Jarheadification hasn't quite got the same ring). Either way that look tells us he knows there more to come.

 There's a great sense of drama in this study of two men in the throes of passion. We don't need to see explicit detail to know what is going on, the faces say it all and it looks as if there's an element of forcefulness in play adding the spice of fetish domination to their intimacy.

This image is less serious in intent, the recipient of the razor's attentions is not restrained other than by his partner's hand but still he cannot contain his excitement at losing all of his body hair. Shaving features fairly regularly in my posts (see label below for more) but in this one, unusually, it looks like we've already missed the main action - unless his blond head hair is also up for it. For me those blue shorts make a great embellishment for the top, suggesting his other sporty interests.
There's also a curious mix of 'mood' items in the surroundings, with suggestions of ancient Greece jostling with Transylvanian candelabras. I love the phallic candle holder in the left foreground, a case of hidden eroticism where it isn't really needed!

Medical fetish is not just about scalpels and gas masks, or endless anal examination for that matter! In this image, Beau cuts through to the underlying ingredients of helplessness and intimacy with strangers at levels such as are usually reserved for lovers. If you have ever experienced this in real life, you'll know it can also come right out of the blue and submitting to it (as one must), with only a flimsy curtain shielding the sight from dozens of other people is almost inevitably an erotic experience of some significance. Whilst romance like Beau depicts here rarely blossoms out of such encounters, it is probably a faithful imagining of what is going on in the head of many recipients, who in a weakened state are intensely grateful for the succour that medical professionals give so freely. If you look closely, you'll notice that there's a playful ambiguity about the composition of the white substance on the patient's stomach.

There's a story behind this image which I haven't discovered yet. The collegiate pennants and sporting slogans place us in the realms of institutional initiation, but the cigar-smoking top with gloved hand and trainers is surely a coach, doing what coaches used to do but ain't supposed to any more (and I'm not talking about smoking on the job!). Tying up the initiate is usually reserved for the student level of pranks but it helps build a slightly sinister flavour in this context, which does not go amiss when it comes to giving youth a first, exciting lesson in anal intimacy.

There's no ambiguity about the dominance or aggression in this back alley encounter gone bad. As in the medical image above, Beau uses clothing to help assert the power hierarchy. His depiction of the classic, foot-on-body, intimidation tactic works better than most I have seen. Reading the body language, however, it looks like the chap on the ground is going to get away with a severe telling off despite his presently, severely endangered nether regions. 

The scarcely any less menace in this scene either and the alarm of the surprised garage hand is beautifully captured. Beau has got the allure of unzipped overalls (worn without underclothes natch) down to a tee here and placing us in the driver's seat allows us to salivate over that prospect in the knowledge that the object of our lust is already at a disadvantage, with back to the wall. 
One for bedtime musings.

Strangely enough, when Beau strikes out into classic dungeonalia the result is less immediately stirring to the juices, although he does invoke a nice sense of isolation and anxiety in his prisoner who is also refreshingly normal. The ropes holding the prisoner's hands are more like tethers than demanding restraints but Beau redeems this weakness with his right leg lift which is not only awkward and embarrassing for the prisoner, it's also putting a lot of painful stress on his other knee which does not need any restraint in this situation of course. 

Actually it's not a dungeon, that's a carpet he's kneeling on, a concession to comfort that makes such a devious torture much more practical over an extended time scale. It also tells us that this scene is being played out in the living quarters of some well-heeled but very unpleasant gentleman. The devil. as they say. is in the detail so never neglect to check it out!

Kidnap scenarios are tricky subjects in erotica but Beau dodges round that objection by exposing minimal flesh in the process. It looks a bit stagey, particularly the operatic, outstretched arm which surely ought to be behind his back, you can already see a ghostly impression of his elbow sticking out down there. The 'athlete's' mature appearance and combination of clothes is also distinctly odd. But if you focus on the two kidnappers, you can see that a much more memorable image somehow got away here

My final image is unashamed beefcake and not really fetish unless you give significant weight to uniforms, but it's probably my favourite out of all Beau's pictures. The pugnacious-looking, but lusciously muscled protagonist seems a natural for the military garb and bears a striking family resemblance to another favourite of mine, Etienne's much-abused blond from Night Patrol and other awkward situations. In the jungle camp setting his glistening body, spotlit in warm colours, brilliantly invokes the 'Fever' of the picture's title.
 Man Fever, Peggy and I would say!.

Beau is no longer with us and his work is harder to find than it used to be.
Two glossy books of Beau's work have been published by Bruno Gmunder (inc. Men of Beau No 2)
There's a selection with links at gay art collection and more at Daddyshere with interesting bio

Room 96 - Trystan is serviced (introduction)


Trystan Bull is an undeniably attractive man with a nicely developed body and a remarkable backside but his photoshoots are often quite narcissistic to say the least. Sometimes he seems unable to take his eyes off the camera for a single second to look at his 'partner'. 

His shoot with cute-looking Marco Lebeau (above) particularly irked me this way, although I have to admit I have no idea what either of them are really like! In another context I might get off on a beautiful man being ignored and used so blatantly, but I don't find it very attractive here. I call it 'God's Gift Syndrome' although Trystan's arguably not the worst offender.

Despite this I do give him the benefit of the doubt and take a continuing interest in his photos, not least because he is such a hunky-looking man and the camera really loves his body, frequently producing interesting imagery, sometimes inspiring. I few years ago I stumbled across a set of images with Alexy Tyler, with a storyline (for a change) that seemed to subvert this God's Gift effect, turning it against Trystan - or at least it could be read this way. It was so erotic that I couldn't resist turning it into a humourous story.

It's been 2 years in the making I hope you enjoy it
First installment coming up next time.

Room 96 - Trystan is serviced 1

Sam, manager of the Mitchmen Hotel, Fitness Centre,
 makes an interesting discovery in Room 96

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More next time

Room 96 - Trystan is serviced 2

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